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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

School school school 


To a person who loved school since day one of her public education18 years ago (not counting the days she spend dreaming about being in school prior to that), more school should not be dreadful.

School was somehow better back in the day. That must be it.

Let’s see, when was school easy and enjoyable?

Kindergarden: Memorized many English words effortlessly then forgot them completely, also effortlessly.

Gr 1: I didn’t understand the concept of homework after the first day of class. The following day, we all got yelled at by the teacher. Apparently no one remembered what the homework was…except the class rep. Everyone understood from that day forth.

Gr 2: Hated mandatory midday naps. That’s right. Communists make kids sleep so adults can sleep. I was running the best self-recharging Energizer battery known as youth. God, lying awake for two hours was awful!

Gr 3: Mom left for Canada. Had my appendix removed and that made me miss all my finals. I was honestly disappointed at that. What a fool I was.

Gr. 4: I got very upset and even teased because of a 93% on the Math final exam. The class average was 100%.

Gr. 5: Wow Canada! Where teachers do not consistently public humiliate you if you don’t have the answer.

Gr. 6: I didn’t get English jokes. ESL is too slow. Let’s do Math all day because I am way superior.

Gr. 7: French? Welcome to hell.

Gr. 8: Fit in? Welcome to hell.

Gr. 9: I swear this year did not happen. I have no recollection.

Gr. 10: I can’t remember this year either.

Gr. 11: Chemistry? Welcome to hell.

Gr. 12: University next next year eh?

OAC: University *is* next year. I am going to be an Engineer, no wait…Accountant…no wait...Scientist (of somesort?)

Undergrad yr 1: Made smart friends

Undergrad yr 2: Smart friends are not in my major, how am I supposed to pass my classes?

Undergrad yr 3: Guelph is getting to me. What’s Australia like?

Undergrad yr 4: Why am I still in undergrad? Life sucks and I want out. Complete burn out.

(I miss school)

Gradschool: God I am so average. I am not going to get any scholarships anyways, why is my department making me apply?


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