Welcome to my blog. The contents of this blog are written entirely in Chinglish. If you are unfamiliar with the language (I dunno if Chingish even qualifies as one), please refer to the Chinglish/English dictionary here. Hope you enjoy your visit and please, prove that you exist to me by signing my guestbook.

Thursday, April 29, 2004


Now they tell me how the system works! I’ve submitted my course enrolment form to University of Sydney, only to find out that the Physiology course that I MUST take is not available. What’s even better is that all other Physiology courses are only available for Sydney students and not to Exchange students. So I guess I’m outta luck! Great!
What’s going to happen now? Physiology is not offered both semesters here at Guelph, and it is not available in Distance Ed format. If I don’t fulfill this requirement, I’ll have to stay an extra semester or two to catch up…and this is the one outcome I don’t want!! Am I still going to Australia? I don’t know…I’m got my flight booked, VISA paid…only to be stopped by ONE course offering!


Wednesday, April 28, 2004

The beginning of many meetings 

Just came back from a meeting in the President’s Board Room, Rm 424 in the UC. I feel important. I remember feeling lost and insignificant walking though the maze of cubicles on the forth floor of the UC to hand in my student senator application form. Still got that same feeling today as I was searching for room 424 as a new student senator. The meeting room is very impressive; the walls were adorned with expensive original landscape paintings; big, high-back executive chairs, intercom on the desk in front of every seat…I was like…wow…em…what have I gotten myself into? I’m signing myself up to be on the Petitions Committee, which basically means that I’ll have to attend dreadfully boring meetings that are at least several hours long, helping to formulate a decision on another student’s academic career. My first petition hearing is bright and early this Friday morning. Scary. I think I’ll need some coffee.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004


Yeah! My blog! I spent a lot of time trying to make this blog look Chingish, a very very bad idea during exam time. I have no self-control!! *hangs head in shame* Eventually, I’ll add some photos of myself. Eventually….
In the banner you see up there, the girl with wings is not me. Her name is Suu, and it just so happens that my current haircut resembles hers. The poem is actually written by Ohkawa Nagase of CLAMP---a group of four ladies that create amazing stories with fabulous artwork. The name CLAMP was an inside joke...it was supposed to mean "a sac of potatoes". I don't get it. But anyways, the poem Happiness is repeated as a song within the story Clover, a story that shows the coldness of the human heart and the essence of human desire. It is originally written in Japanese, the version I read was in Chinese and this one here is in English.
The translation is not perfect, but it is better than what I can do.


I want happiness
I seek happiness

To cause your happiness
To be your happiness

So take me
Some place far away
To a true Elsewhere

Please take me there

Magic that lasts
Never-ending kiss
Revelry without break
Imperishable bliss

Take me
I want happiness

Birds sing songs of unknown tongue
Though winged, they
Still fail to reach the sky

A place not to be treaded alone

So take me
To a true Elsewhere

Wet feathers
Locked fingers
Melting flesh
Fusing minds

Take me
I want happiness

Not your past
But your present is what I seek,

Carefully winding back its fragile thread

Please take me there
I want happiness

I want happiness
I seek happiness

To cause your happiness
To be your happiness

Take me
To a True Elsewhere

Deliver me

A bird in a gilded cage
A bird bereft of flight
A bird that cannot cry
A bird all by itself.

So take me
I want happiness

Happy just to be with you
Happy just to see you smile

So take me
To a true Elsewhere

Please, take me
To happiness

My first thought
And my last wish

A promised land where fairies wait
With room just enough for two

So deliver me, help me

To forget the tribulation of day
And to stay in this dream of night,
Where I can be thinking of you forever

Take me
To my bliss.

Oh and one last thing, the theme of this page, going off to a true elsewhere, has nothing to do with me running off to Australia. As far as I know, there are no fairies in Australia. And if I actually find fairies there, it’d be a pleasant surprise anyways. But Christa, I love you very very much...and I'll run away with you any day!
Where else in the universe would you find Chinglish?! A true elsewhere indeed.


Saturday, April 17, 2004

Wow, it's a blog! My very own blog! I really really shouldn't be doing this right now because I have a Nutrition final coming up on Monday that's worth 80% of my grade. Besides, I'm horribly awake right now. A good thing I guess, because I have a heck of a lot of studying to do.


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