Welcome to my blog. The contents of this blog are written entirely in Chinglish. If you are unfamiliar with the language (I dunno if Chingish even qualifies as one), please refer to the Chinglish/English dictionary here. Hope you enjoy your visit and please, prove that you exist to me by signing my guestbook.

Sunday, June 27, 2004


I decided to change the banner on my blog instead of trying to figure out what I should be bringing to Australia...this sure is the best way to procrastinate.


Saturday, June 26, 2004

The bench is on display in the Stone Road Mall in front of Shopper's Drug Mart for a while. If you can make it down there, have a look at the real thing.
I was in the mall yesterday picking up some last minute supplies(ie: sunscreen, bug spray, bandages, etc) and I saw two ladies laying a little baby boy on my bench then snapping a couple of photos. Then my wonderful mother went up to them and said "My daughter painted that. She is the artist." I was like...mom...I just caught you bragging...that's a parenting sin! Anyways...packing is a miserable experience b/c I have too much clothes and other stuff. I was looking at the almost full suitcases on my bed and my closet and realizing that my closet doesn't look any less full! Yeah..I have way too much stuff.


Wednesday, June 23, 2004

It's done! 

My bench is finally complete. See pic here, here and here.



Sunday, June 20, 2004

Interesting Observation 

I was at the LCBO on Sunday after work at 11:40am but it opens at noon, so I patiently sat in the car and waited. Twelve other cars came in the next 20 mins before the store opened. By the time I got out of the store, the parking lot was full. This is 12:15pm on a Sunday.
By the way, I was only at the LCBO to pick up a Father’s Day gift. No pre-departure partying for me-_-.

I'm gointa bitch about work later.

My bench is 90% complete! YEAH!


Friday, June 18, 2004

glad I stayed awake long enough to make an entry 

Can’t believe I’ve ignored my blog for more than a week. I’m not going to complain about how tired and stressed and agitated I am…I just wish I can have 25hrs in a day and actually have time to relax and not regret the relaxation later.

Anyways, my Bench Art project is 90% complete. I really really like it and I really really don’t wanna give it away. This is why I’m not a professional artist---I’m horribly attached to all my pieces but if I won’t sell any, I won’t have anything to live on.

Just saw Elizabeth today…she works at Bulk Barn…such a sweetie!

Yeah…I’m just typing random thoughts right now (if you guys haven’t figured that out already). Sorry, this format is all that I’m capable of at the moment.

I’m still debating over what kind of bedding I should bring with me to Sydney. I get cold really really easily (icy fingers and icy toes) and I definitely need warm bedding. I have a down-filled duvet but its volume is the problem. If only I could somehow put it in a vacuum and suck out all the air…then it wouldn’t take up that much room. I was looking at it and thinking, if I bring this, I’ll be 10 outfits less!!! Yes, I will have to bid tearful goodbyes to a good chuck of my wardrobe. To give you an idea, bras alone…I’m bring ten (I have more) and not one less because each one is different and must go with a certain shirt etc. I’m such a girl! And a hopeless one at that!

Christa is bringing a nice compact sleeping bag…*jealous* But it’s in her agenda to spend quite a few nights under the stars. Me…I duuno. Maybe I’ll end up buying a sleeping bag there?? It’s so hard to find a good quality sleeping bag in Guelph. Where are all the outdoor sporting shops?? Hiker’s Haven used to be across from the Stone Road Mall and another store was located in the same plaza as No Frill’s…now both are gone. I wish I know what to do?

Yesterday I called work to tell them that I’m quitting b/c my grandpa is ill and I must travel overseas. But they wouldn’t let me…apparently I can take a leave of absence and still come back to this job. I don’t think they will tolerate a six months leave but…oh well, it’s nice to know that you are wanted. Then again…do I really wanna come back to this job?? It’s very stupidfying… I could feel my brain cells disappearing because they are not needed and a higher level(or any level) of thinking is not required. There are a lot of hot girls working there though.


Thursday, June 10, 2004

Who needs sleep? 

I do. That's the problem. Working 48 hrs is certainly tiring. Mainwhile, I still have that Bench Art project to finish. The deadline is mid-June...which means that I really don't have that many days left. On top of that, I have started to volunteer in my mom's lab. I just spent my whole day there today...starting at 6am. I guess I really should be tired considering I've had about 5hrs of sleep but I was way too excited to feel tired while I was there. The one thing that surprise me the most is how much of the stuff I learned in my courses actually relate to the techniques used in the lab. I used to think that what we learn is just to earn grades and could be potentially useful at some point in my life(which translates to never). The low point of my day was WHIMIS training...again. Gee, this is like, the fifth time I've been trained. But this time it's actually really useful considering the major production line of the Microbix Biotech company is for viruses.

Still have way too much to do. Somethings never change.


Thursday, June 03, 2004

Wake Up Call 

Due to my exhausting work schedule (3:30pm-11:30pm three days straight), I'm kinda sleep deprived. It's been a while since I last stood for 8 hrs...my feet sorta forgot what it was like. Now I remember...that ache, that cramp. A nice reminder of my Sears girl days, except that now I wear an apron and hairnet instead of make-up and heels. Can’t really complain about work besides the long hours of standing. The job itself is so brainless. Let’s see…watch uncut sheets of wafers go by…watch cut sheets of wafers go by…watch bagged wafer cookies go by…flatten bagged wafers...box flattened bagged wafers…stack boxed wafers. Fun eh? The worst part is transportation…it took an hr for me to get home…I was trying so hard not to fall asleep on the bus.

This morning, I got up at 7:30am to get my brother ready for school. Then after all the franticness, I went back to bed. Then the phone rang…it was a job offer. Someone, somehow passed on my name and number to a lady who is setting up some Family Financing company and she called me up. I was like…Financing? I’m getting a Business Adminstrations Minor! This is perfect…but I can’t take it! I’m going to Australia. *sigh* One of these days…the timing will be right. One of these days, job offer and job search will match.

Now, If I’d been awake, I would’ve probably asked who referred my name to her. And if I’d been awake, I would’ve asked for the name of that Family Financing company. Also, if I’d been awake…I would’ve said “I’ll get a pen and a piece of paper” when she offered her contact info instead of “I’ll just use my head”. But I guess a job offer is always a nice wake up call.


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