Welcome to my blog. The contents of this blog are written entirely in Chinglish. If you are unfamiliar with the language (I dunno if Chingish even qualifies as one), please refer to the Chinglish/English dictionary
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I just pumped my system full of caffeine with the aim of improved productivity. Well, not quite. The adrenaline rush induced is now in put into creating this particular venting entry.
Kyle, consider your request granted…here’s a new blog entry…yeah!?
The graduate school application process has been nothing but frustrating, same with medical school preparation. It’s during times like these, when I am bending myself backwards trying to get somewhere in science and academia that I want to step back and ask myself “why”.
Why am I even bothering with the academic crap if I am seemingly much more successful in the job market? Many people find it astonishing that I am working in a field related to my undergraduate studies. Frankly, my work experiences are far superior compared to my academic records.
Science people don’t seem to care that I am a well-rounded person. They would rather judge me on my A B and Cs on my transcript as an accurate indicator of what I am capable of in real life. It’s extremely effective at draining self-confidence and any trace of hope that I am worth something.
At times I have the urge to just throw in the towel screaming “screw you science” and turn right around and work in business/sales instead. Looking back to my job related experience has made me realize that I have a much better competitive advantage in that field. Sometimes I wish I didn’t turn down the job offer from Sonometrics Corp. last summer…wouldn’t life be grand if I chose to haggle all types of labs for equipment sales and prance around in a hot suit at international science trade shows? I’d look better in a hot suit than in scrubs or a lab coat.
So the question remains, am I really fighting against the current? Should I be using my natural talents instead of investing massive amounts of energy into something I am natural not good at?
# posted by Ching @ 5:04 p.m.