Welcome to my blog. The contents of this blog are written entirely in Chinglish. If you are unfamiliar with the language (I dunno if Chingish even qualifies as one), please refer to the Chinglish/English dictionary
here. Hope you enjoy your visit and please, prove that you exist to me by signing my
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Christmas Holiday 2006
Apparently time flies when spent with family.
The highlight of my holiday @ home is definitely the trip down to Niagara Falls. First I was under the impression that this was going to be a simple single family affair and me calling the shots. Not so. Three other Chinese families dragged along (or maybe they dragged us along…whichever). The trip started with the usual delay caused by my mother, who could never decide on what she should wear (or what to bring to wear). My father was thoroughly annoyed. This is the way all family trip start; I guess some things just don’t change. On the way there, our car got separated from the pack and we basically found our way to Days Inn on our own and ahead of everyone else. Of course, the “leader” of the pack never did confirm the check-in time and we were two hours early. After much squabbling, pursuit of lunch was declared and Denny’s decided upon. Holy price mark up! I never knew Denny’s was so expensive. As the day went on, my judgment adjusted accordingly…a girl has got to eat, expensive bloated prices or not. On our way to the new indoor water park, the pack once again got separated. Several expensive cell phone calls were made to relocate everyone. One family even went to the wrong hotel all together! And so the same rhythm of events repeated: squabbling, unclear debriefing of plan, expensive cell phone calls, detours…One viable excuse here is that we are Chinese and we are inexperienced in vacations/trips.
The only good part (and in essence the important part) is that my brother had a blast.
The most important lesson I learned is to read the instructions on midway game displays. I was lured by the flashy and tempting winning numbers…til I realized that I have two tokens left and poor returns for my investments.
So that was Niagara Falls.
Yes I know what you are thinking, a lousy trip was the highlight of time with family?
Welcome to my world.
# posted by Ching @ 9:19 p.m.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
The Truth
Hey looksy here: Santa DOES exist and he even has a blog
I am going to ask him how the Ching clone is coming along. teehee.
# posted by Ching @ 7:05 p.m.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Major life changes ahead

1. I am moving.
2. I am quiting my job/working part time.
3. I am going to be living in a library.
4. I am going to be back in usual Ching overloaded stress mode (generally this translates to more frequent blog posts for procrastination purposes)
5. I am going to be more caffeine dependent.
6. I might get my acid reflux back.
7. I am going to have o free time
8. I am going to divorce tv.
All this for the purpose of acing the MCAT.
I am crazy.
# posted by Ching @ 6:45 p.m.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Post # 201
I was up at 6am yesterday and didn’t come home til 10:30pm. When I got home, my boots were wet, my socks were damp and my poor toes stung with pain from the cold. The wait for the bus was long.
Day end summary:
Number of hours spent on the road: 5 (I completely passed out on the GO bus, at least I didn't miss my stop)
Number of hours spent working: 11.5 (7.5 paid and 4 volunteer data crunching)
It was certainly a tiring day, but also a fulfilling one. Most importantly, it was coffee and tea free.
I think I am definitely shaping up for the MCAT mental marathon.
# posted by Ching @ 10:08 a.m.