Welcome to my blog. The contents of this blog are written entirely in Chinglish. If you are unfamiliar with the language (I dunno if Chingish even qualifies as one), please refer to the Chinglish/English dictionary here. Hope you enjoy your visit and please, prove that you exist to me by signing my guestbook.

Monday, March 28, 2005


I love the photographs of Gregory Colbert, he was featured in the Globe & Mail two weeks ago.



I love the photographs of Gregory Colbert, he was featured in the Globe & Mail two weeks ago.



I love the photographs of Gregory Colbert, he was featured in the Globe & Mail two weeks ago.


Sunday, March 27, 2005

Pissed off 

Okay, imagine this scenario:

It's 9:30am on a Monday morning...you are in COST1000, Intro Marketing lecture. Your lecture topic is on prescription drug advertising, appropriate enough for a marking class right? But your professor decided to talk about cholesterol and unveiled many of the myths of cholesterol...using ONE scientific article as his source. Just one article is enough to convince him that diet has nothing to do with cholesterol, that overall fat intake has nothing to do with cholesterol? To support his argument, he used a real life example: a friend of his ate nine eggs a day for a month and had no changes in his blood cholesterol. So this one real life example is enough proof? One student put her hand up and said "But sir, two lectures ago you said that 99% of all scientific research is flawed thus invalid, so how can you trust that article?" Good point right? The prof brushed off her point.

Then he went on to another article on the negative effects of soy. Again, just ONE article is enough to convince this man that many years of valid research on the benefits of soy is disproven. By this time, I was really pissed off, and I was thrilled that a girl put her hand up and started to argue against him.
What did the prof do? He brushed off her argument.

So at the end of the very very painful lecture, I was royally pissed off. He maybe able to fool the business students, but not a science major like me. So that evening, I posted a comment on this matter in WebCT. I got a few replies back from students agreeing with my opinion. Then the prof replied to my comment and basically said that "oh boy, what a nice bunch of assertions that are inferior to mine, thanks for trying".

Honestly, I hate this professor! He is merely a very old fashioned and an egoistical snob who believes that he is always right just because he has a Ph.D. He sculded whoever showed up in lecture late, and all the real life success stories of marketing he brought up in lecture were about himself. I mean, he probably decided to bring up the topic of cholesterol because his doctor told him to watch his diet.

I'm just hoping that he has enough academic integrity to not let our disagreement go to his head and give me a lower mark in the class. And if this happens, I'm prepared to bitch to the Chair of the Dept.


Friday, March 25, 2005

Happy Easter 


Check out animated clip #4...or better yet, see them all.

WARNING: not for the religious!

Jack, I'm assuming this will soon be added to your list of favourite sites.


Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Now with Artificial Colour... 

I dyed my hair! Thanks Tiff!

In low light
In the sun
In artificial light
This is just odd, maybe it's my camera?


And the Nightmare Never Ends... 

I'm referring to course selections.

Okay, so here's what I would like/have to take for the fall semester

1. Immunology
2. Epidemiology
3. Comparative Histology
4. Human Anatomy
5. Mammalian Physiology

Lots of "ologies"...boy oh boy...


1. Oh look, I can't register myself into Human Anatomy because they have had students trying to sneak into the course in the past and HK students get first choice. So I won't find out until August if the course I'm been looking forward to since HIGHSCHOOL is going to happen. Damn, if I don't get in and can't graduate on time and thus be stay an extra year, THE UNIVERSITY is going to pay the course fee because I'm taking it in my fifth year!!!!

2. Oh, look, I can't get into Comparative Histology (which is a Zoology course) because I don't have one of the prerequisites. So I'm signing up for Biomedical Histology inste...which is 0.75 credit poin...which is also rumoured to be a bitch of a course.

3. If I want to study Health Economics in postgrad, I should add another course, Math Economics into that already ridiculous semester...

4. Oh look at this, if I all of a sudden drop my Business Adminstrations Minor in attempt of just picking up more Economics courses, I don't have enough credits to graduate with my Major. GREAT!

5. Oh, and...where do Medical School and Dental School fit into all this lovely mess? I don't know... Health Economics is basically my backup if I do get into one of those two professional schools (fat chance there), so my efforts with Business Administrations and Economics could be a waste!

I hope that I've confused my readers royally, because that's how I'm feeling right now.
It's times like these that I wonder...why did I do an exchange to Australia when I'm in a ridiculously strict major and trying to accomplish a million unrelated things at once?


Sunday, March 06, 2005

Que Cera Cera 

He called me.

He never calls me, I'm always the one calling him.

It wasn't good news...well, not for me, anyways.

We're not going to the College Royal Ball together. My heart sank. But he had a damn good reason; he's going to England to attend a Medical School interview. I got very excited for him, knowing that he's been working so hard towards a career in Medicine. And I'm not mad at him for canceling on me, just disappointed. Very disappointed indeed.
His call came after I got home from doing Tiffany's hair and showing her my dress and stilettos. Apparently he's wanted to call me all day but couldn't actually do it because he knew how disappointed I'd be.

He has no clue how disappointed I am.

How would you feel, if the person you are fond of, couldn't fulfill your request to go to the Ball two years in a row? Last year, I was the second girl who asked him. This year, I'm the only girl who asked him but something more important came up.

How would you feel, if you've been looking forward to it and thought about it everytime your head hits the pillow? How would you feel, if you finally worked up the courage, to wear the dress that makes you feel self-conscious in (yes James, it’s that dress), to impress him? How would you feel, if you have been trying to learn how to walk in stilettos by pacing up and down in your room just so you can last the entire night?

Truly, I'm very happy for him, as his friend. He's already ahead of me in pursuing his goals. And really, this is a result of his resourcefulness and interpersonal skills because he's able to use his people connections and grasp this opportunity. And this, amongst other traits, is why I fell for him in the first place. He doesn't seem like the smart, calculating type, but I guess he's more than meets the eye. So why should I be mad at him for being who he is and doing what he does best?

I'm just mad at me for being so worked up about circumstances out of my control!

gotta...publish...before...I change my mind...and delete this entry


Wednesday, March 02, 2005

It's not fair! 

How does a copying error cost me three marks on my Economics midterm? It's just a "+" instead of a "-" right? I keep on making such stupid mistakes...and I remember looking at the final number thinking...right, a 10% increase in demand would boost the price up from $1 to $5.80. It didn' make sense, and yet I didn't check my work over carefully and just assumed it's because the prof picked a particularly stupid set of numbers. *shakes head* I'm hopeless!

The midterm didn't go too badly...wait, if it was marked as it should've been (more strickly, that is)...then I would've been lucky to get an A, instead, I got a 90+ (and remember, this is after I lost three marks due to a stupid "-" sign). This is also because one of the question was "tell me what's the most important thing you've learned so far in this course" worth 5 marks. So basically, anything to do with Economics written in complete sentences earned 5 marks.

Guess I shouldn't complain...the ridiculous marking scheme made up for the lousy prof we got. But what about the quality of education? The department hired people who can't teach, students learned nothing, exam results were bad, so they modified the statistics. This is not worth the $500 tuition I paid for the course.


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